Memory And How Funny It Is…..

And I’m not talking HAHAHHAA funny…  more of a silent, introspective hmmmm…

The reason for this is…  one year ago today, the historical area of Goderich’s downtown was destroyed by a tornado…  a rather severe one…  and I tried to remember…  where was I when I heard that news?  When that storm warning came up?  What did I do that day?  What did I feel when I heard…?

And for the life of me, I couldn’t remember the answer to any of those things…  None of them.  I recall feeling sadness that the town had gone through that horrible disaster…  but that was all of the impact it had on my life personally….

But then there are other events in history…  events that leave their mark on every inch of your heart and soul…  events that you will NEVER forget even the most mundane aspect of….

The shooting of JFK…  If you were around, I’m sure you remember that.
The death of Elvis…  Again, if you were alive, I’m sure you recall.
The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster…  again…  I can recall every moment of that day…
The death of Michael Jackson…  Yes, his passing did impact some to that level….
The Haiti earthquake….
The back-to-back World Series wins for the Jays….

Really…  the list does go on…  but I’m sure you get the idea….

Different things mean something different to everyone… and everyone accepts every event, big or small, in a different way…  Some events may seem Earth-shaking to you… while to me it’s just another day of slides and fun and swings and laughter with my wee…

And what may be a huge event to me…  well, it could be nothing more than just another day to you….

It’s all about perspective.

So, while I do not remember every moment of my day that Goderich was hit by a tornado…  I do recall the day 3 days later….  everything about that day…  from how the air smelled….  to what I did that day…  to what the weather was like…  to how the day ended and every word that was spoken at the end of the day…  All the way to how horrific the weather was that night…  how many guards I had cycle through “suicide watch” while I was in jail…  how my cell and the blankets smelled…  What time the power went out…  Who was called to fix the generator…  what time they finally got backup power on while I sat in my cell and the weather raged around the OPP station…

I remember all of it…

And I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

It wasn’t just ‘another day’ for me…  It was the day my life changed.

But, for some people involved in that night, it was obviously ‘just another day’…  just another moment in their history that they can brush of and ‘forget’…  “I don’t remember much about that night… it was so long ago…  I could have hit her…  I could have said mean things…  I don’t remember.”.

Personally I’d never forget the day I put my spouse…  the other parent of my child in jail….  That would be monumental to me….

I will never forget being put in jail…

But that’s just me….

That’s just because it had an impact on me.

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