Walk A Mile….

We often hear that expression thrown around; often numerous times every day….

“If only people would walk a mile in my shoes then they’d understand.”

And I try…  Every day, in every dealing with people who deserve that thought from me, I do try…  I try to put myself in their shoes for even a second.  Even just one second.

But I have to wonder…  Do people give me the same courtesy?

I’m sure there are some of my friends; my nearest and dearest that do…  But I also know there are a few people out there that SHOULD, for just a moment, try to walk a mile, a minute, a second, in my shoes, and haven’t even tried.  Hell, they haven’t even tried to pull them on.

And that’s not fair.

That leaves me being treated like an afterthought.  A second-class citizen simply because they don’t think…

They don’t see….

They don’t want to see how their actions, words, and deeds affect me.

Or they don’t care to see.

Either way, it’s not right.  It’s not right at all.

And it stops here.  It stops here and now.

Because I don’t deserve it.

I deserve so much more.

I deserve heaven and earth.

I don’t deserve to be anybody’s after thought.  

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