It’s Been A While….

But yes… yes, we are still here…  still rolling along…  or should I say Steamrolling???  That almost seems more fitting….

Right now…  the moon and the stars seem to be lining up correctly…  all pushing us towards a ‘happy’ ending…  LOL…

First and foremost; I’m back…  as per last post.  YIP YIP!!!  Yup… still here!!!!  All fire and spark and heart and soul…  still here!!!

School went SWIMMINGLY…  not as amazing as I wanted to hope for but still, I rocked it…  yes I did…

And, as if that wasn’t enough…  Holy shit…  I think I have a job…  already!!  ME!!!  YIPYIP!!!!

Other than that…  I’ve repainted some “new to me” furniture and made it look AMAZING….  Oh yes I did!!!

And, despite the heat… Wee and I are still having a blast…  She wants to take her little dog back to Dalewood tomorrow “too hot not to mommy” so that he can run there and she can play and pick wild raspberries that we found…  LOL…  She’s all about the berries!!!

And… a friend from the past…  well…  we’ve been talking a lot… and I’ve been enjoying any and all time that he has been offering to spend with me…  It’s been nice…  It’s been peaceful…  it’s been beyond comfortable…

And I can’t help but smile when I think about listening to him talk… or talking to him… or even just… being…  It’s peaceful.

Despite all of the great thought….  a little demon from the past has started creeping back…  One that I struggle with every day…  I think it’s the heat…  Everything smells different when it’s this hot.  Everything sounds different…  Everything feels different…  So I think it’s the heat….

Other than that demon…  the one that keeps insisting that I look down and see sand and hard packed earth beneath my feet instead of the carpet in my house…  the one that is whispering in the background in my head…  Other than that…  things are amazing…  things are great…  things are…  almost perfect.

And only getting better!

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